Saturday, February 7, 2009

Scenes from a Wal-Mart

I got to spend 2.5 hours hanging out at Wal-Mart today because my mom wanted to get $4 prescriptions at their pharmacy but didn't bring any perscriptions along so we had to get everything transferred over.

- Walmart's prices are not crazy low like I remember the first time I ever went there. $8 is not that great for a plastic bowl. $13 is not low for a Sterilite container. (It's not even low for Rubbermaid.)

- 3 dozen Bakugan toys on the wall and all the kids are complaining about "They don't have the one I want." (New ones, that's what the kids want.)

- I got another bobbin holder for a lipstick caddy.

- I am so happy my husband doesn't call me "Maw".

Funniest thing I saw today: A van with a solid 12 inch high roof of snow on top. Getting off the exit ramp of the highway. Whaa?

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