Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Fly on the Manger Wall

Between work, physical therapy and a visit to the new foodie store, I heard so much Christmas music yesterday my ears are sore. Choruses, synths, Yngwie Malmstein-esque guitar, (literal) bells and (literal) whistles...

Why don't the radio stations carry more gentle music like the actual treasuring of a baby?


sgreerpitt said...

I love traditional Christmas music and a few of the popular tunes from before 1960. It's one of my secret vices -- comes from all those years singing in school choirs, with all those holiday concerts and the dearth of good Chanukah music -- I mean how many times can you sing the Dreidel song?

Merry Christmas!

Qaro said...

I rant too much but I do like Christmas music! It is the only time of year kids will listen to music like that.

(I watched the Chanukah special on PBS the other night. It was really fun!)